Re: [SLUG] OT: slashdot article

From: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller (
Date: Wed Feb 21 2007 - 12:18:05 EST

William Coulter wrote:
> I am reading an article on slashdot and part of the top it said posted by Roblimo. It is long but
> good. Is this same user Robin 'Roblimo' Miller? Wow, we have some famous or infamous people on
> this list. Take a look.

Yes, it's me. I am the Editor in Chief for OSTG, the company that owns
Slashdot, and I also function (too rarely these days) as Slashdot
Interview Editor.

Most of my energy at the moment is going into *finally* making
a decent site, developing better/faster/cheaper Web video production and
delivery methods, and into creating Community Press, a
joint venture with Prentice Hall.

- Robin
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