Bill wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Matthew Rogers <>
>>> Sent: Dec 30, 2007 7:51 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Comp_Usa Going Out of Bussiness Sale not a Sale...
>>> xcalibre wrote:
>>>> Update... Just went to Comp-Usa in Brandon.. They have signs up saying 10 to 30% off everything!.. Yet most items have been marked up before the discount... Thus same or higher then a lot of the items normally were...
>>>> Also Laptops only 5% ummm sign says clearly ALL Items 10 to 30% off... Also out of about 100 people in the store only one person bought something...
>>>> Every was saying are they out of their minds... Clarence Table items higher then they were not on Clearence... Also beware tons and I mean tons of items were open and resealed... So beware of what you are getting all Sales are Final...
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Sounds to me like Comp USA business as usual.
> actually, its worse, they no longer are comp usa, i forgot the name,
> but it i some liquidator company.
> if you have friends who work there like myself, get them to hide a few
> things. i'm thinking about buying a UPS mid/late january. they are
> saying they are going to close on Feb 1st, and i dont think UP's are
> going to sell out
-fixed top-posting to reflect correct mailing-list standards-
I was a loyal customers of Comp-USA for the past yr, refitting my
company's IT needs completely thru them. I had a very good relationship
with a couple of the biz acct supervisors, and was treated pretty well
by them and most all the employees up there. A few weeks ago my dad
and uncle decided they wanted new laptops so we went up there and got
them. Dad ended up with a MacBook Pro 17" that I installed WinXP on, and
my father needed to upgrad to Leopard and also needed MS Office. On
CompUSA's website, they had listed a sale price of MS Office 2007 for
$50 off the listed price at the website and for instore purchases. Sent
my dad up there to buy it and told him the price, and they refused to
honor the price. They had just listed this sale price on their website
3 days before he went up there, at least a full week after they
announced they were going out of biz (in other words, they posted the
sale price AFTER the liquidation company took over and after they knew
they were going out of biz). Youd think they would honor this price if
it was listed after their knowing theyd be going oout of biz, but no.
So told dad no to get it, took printed out page of website to BestBuy
and they actually did honor the sale price. They have become such
a-holes, at least in my opinion, since they went into default. All the
salespersons have become very bitchy. I can understand that since they
are all loosing their jobs, but come on, if they hate it that much, quit
and get a new job before the rest of the CompUSA work force tries to get
a job. Now I wish we hadnt spent so much money up there.
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