Re: [SLUG] "where is the mouse" thingy

From: Eben King (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2008 - 23:35:16 EST

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, Jason Copenhaver wrote:

> On Jan 11, 2008 2:21 AM, logan <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 20:38 -0500, Eben King wrote:
>>> Hey folks. I had this problem before, but now that I have two monitors
>> it's
>>> only gotten worse. Occasionally, I lose the mouse pointer and I have to
>>> track it down by waving the pointer and seeing what windows highlight.
>> (At
>>> least the two monitors line up so there are no ledges for the pointer to
>> get
>>> hung up on.) I have a spare button on my trackball that I can't find a
>> use
>>> for (#6, TTBOMK X only supports 5). Is it possible to make it launch a
>>> utility that shows a graphic for half a second or however long it's held
>>> down for? I guess if I can't use it I'll use some unusual key. I use
>> fvwm2
>>> which is pretty feature-free; I haven't seen that function in it.
>> Heh, these are silly ideas, but you could always put xeyes on your
>> desktop and see where it is looking or install oneko and have your
>> cursor become an pet.
>> Just an idea,

> In gnome I just went to System->Preferences->Mouse

I'm running fvwm2, not Gnome or any other desktop environment.

> Now when you press control and release an nice animation appears around the
> mouse pointer.

That's what I used to do in that other OS, on laptop->prev. laptop->current
runs Linux, and the cursor is visible enough.

> And it appears smart enough to not do it when I do something like "Ctrl+F"
> for find in firefox.

"No keypress is between ctrldown and ctrlup" would act like you're
describing and is easier to implement. But have you heard of anything
that'll do that even if you're not in Gnome?

> Although I think the xeyes idea is great.

I may do that, preferably embedding it in gkrellm if I can figure out how.
Technically you need two (that aren't looking in the same direction) to
pinpoint the cursor. But I think one would narrow down the search space
enough, considering that right now I have to scan all of :0.

-eben      QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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