Re: [SLUG] CD layout

From: Eben King (
Date: Sat Dec 06 2008 - 16:22:44 EST

On Sat, 6 Dec 2008, Paul Bransford wrote:

> On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 14:14 -0500, Eben King wrote:
>> I need to design the music for an event. Not compose, just assemble from
>> various sources. What's good software that'll take loose WAV/AIFF, FLAC,
>> and MP3 files, compute their times and let me design a CD that way?

> K3b (for KDE) seems pretty good and powerful, as long as you have all
> the extra codecs installed. Depending on your stance, and your distro's
> stance, you may need to violate some patents as per usual with media.
> If you use Gnome, take a look at Brasero. I've used it minimally, so I
> couldn't tell you the about flexibility or format support.

Thanks. Now that I think about it, FLAC support isn't a big deal, since I
have to expand the files anyway as an intermediate step to either making a
CD or recompressing as MP3.

> You can also compute track times yourself, just remember that for a normal
> CD, you will have a 2-second pre-gap for every track, and modern CDs are
> 80m. I've been successful overburning up to 85m, but that's a stretch.
> Basically, don't worry about a few seconds.

No worries. I'll get the timing today, but there probably won't be anywhere
near that much music needed.

> Sox is a good all-around utility that you can use to convert your intended
> media to WAV, and from there you could even drive the burning tools
> yourself (wodim, cdrecord, etc)

I plan on doing that for final burn, unless the software works the first

-eben    QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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