Re: [SLUG] fanless computers

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Sep 20 2009 - 22:44:25 EDT

On Sun, 20 Sep 2009, wrote:

> Have you considered any of the Android internet tablets starting to hit the
> market? Linux kernel. I have been looking at Archos 5. Think they have 3 SSD
> HD's with 8, 16 & 32 gb. Believe the 8 gb will be running in the $200+ dollar
> range.

I'm rather hesitant to buy something newish, since there's no data to say
how they last a year or two down the road. ATX is probably too big for the
space I have, but (mini-) ITX would probably fit. Still haven't found a
small monitor (~7" diagonal) with a non-composite plug.

-eben    QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
Answer: two spoonfuls in my cup, please.
Question: how much should I use?      (why top-posting is bad)
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