Re: [SLUG] slow web browsing

Date: Sat Feb 06 2010 - 13:41:09 EST

Thus Eben King hast written on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 12:01:46AM -0500, and, according to prophecy, it shall come to pass that:
> There's a pause before each web link is resolved. I see lagginess each
> time I take a link or go to a new address. For instance, it takes FF 4-5
> seconds to display, which is served by this
> computer. And each link thereon takes several seconds to follow. OK, I
> thought, it could be thttpd or FF is slow. But http://localhost (which is
> the same page) displays almost instantly. I'm guessing, the chosen DNS
> server defers to its next-in-line each time, and never caches anything?
> /etc/resolv.conf has
> What should I do to fix this?

Check your /etc/hosts file.

There will be an entry for: localhost royalty

Make sure it includes the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) too:
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