Re: [SLUG] Port blocking on Verizon

From: Tommy E Craddock, Jr. (
Date: Wed May 05 2010 - 23:43:27 EDT

On 5/5/2010 10:35 PM, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Well, I can tell you this: my mailhost on the internet won't listen on
> port 587. They'll listen on port 26, if you insist. So I have a call
> into Verizon to ask: 1) will you allow port 26, or 2) will you accept
> mail with from addresses in a foreign domain?
> (The funny thing here is that I called Verizon FiOS support and got this
> girl and asked her the above two questions. Now, these are pretty simple
> questions that any tech support person should know. But no, she got my
> phone number and will supposedly call me back when she gets the
> answer(s). Seriously? How can even front line techs not know the
> answers to these questions? Argh.)
> I checked with AuthSMTP, which I've used before, and they won't listen
> on port 587. I'm still looking at other mail relay providers, but almost
> all are more expensive.
> All this goes away if I purchase a fixed IP from Verizon. Of course, a
> fixed IP from a hosting provider is from $1 to $5 per month. But from
> Verizon, I'm guessing a fixed IP is probably more like $20 to $50/month.
> If I have to move hosting providers in order to make this work, I'm
> gonna be cranky.
> I wish I could get these guys on their TOS, but I'll bet there's some
> clause in there that allows them to block ports whenever they like.
> Grrr.
> Paul


As for #2 I am using Verizons FIOS SMTP servers to relay my mail from my
domain, Just added a few lines to my postfix conf files as so:

  Add User Authentication Support to Mail Server Configuration

In /etc/postfix/, add the following to enable Postfix's
authenticated mail client:

smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options =

Add Username and Password Settings

The ISP's mail server, username, and password are kept in a separate
file: /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd. The format is:

[hostname] username:password

For example:


Anytime you add or change the /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd file, run the
following command:

postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Add Outbound Relay Host

This is all from the clarkconnect Help section, howtows:


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