Re: [SLUG] autofs + samba

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun May 16 2010 - 17:53:19 EDT

On Sun, 16 May 2010, Eben King wrote:

> I'm trying to set up autofs on my laptop, to automatically mount/dismount my
> desktop's Samba/SMB shares. I'm following this guide:
> though from what I can tell the same script and similar instructions are in
> many places on the net.


> OK, so credfile needs to end with the servername (in my case, "pc") for that
> to match. But when the script runs, $key gets server/share (in my case
> "pc/mp3") which makes credfile "/etc/auto.smb.pc/mp3" which is an illegal
> filename.

Figured it out. And typo (mine). I defined $server:


changed the definition of $credfile:


and changed the awk invocation so its variable "key" points at $server:

... | awk -v key="$server" ...

But the main holdup was several shares that are no longer valid (in my
defense, they used to work); in particular dvd[12] and print, so I removed
them. I guess if I need to use a DVD or print remotely, I'll have to figure
out how it works now. Once they were removed, autofs worked. Maybe the
error threw it into a tizzy.

-eben    QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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