[SLUG] How to hack a network

From: Paul M Foster (paulf@quillandmouse.com)
Date: Mon May 31 2010 - 11:48:06 EDT

I'd like to understand something better, and I thought maybe you could
help. Assume the following:

1. A standard at-home network. Internet connection is provided via fibre
or DSL. Behind the ISP's modem (no wireless), there stands a router.
Several computers connect to the router for access to the internet.

2. The router has no ports open.

3. The network is NATed so that the inbound connections allowed are
considered "ESTABLISHED" according to iptables rules. No "NEW"
connections are allowed.

4. Internal IPs are non-routable and assigned by an secondary server
inside the network (behind the router). This machine supplies internal
DHCP and DNS services.

5. Machines behind the router do not have any firewall rules in force.

Question: Could a hacker gain access to individual machines on this
network and examine their contents? If so, how would he/she do it?

You're welcome to contact me privately with answers, if you don't want
the response to appear on a public list. I'm not interested in hacking
anyone's network. I'm just curious as to if and how it could be done. If
you prefer to simply provide links with the answer, feel free.


Paul M. Foster
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