Re: [SLUG] mp3 player

From: Eben King (
Date: Tue Jun 01 2010 - 02:26:50 EDT

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Pete Theisen wrote:

> My mp3 player just doesn't work. I can load the songs from my Ubuntu box and
> charge it, but it won't play back for more than a minute or two.
> Of course, it was less than $12 at Kmart. I guess I should have gotten a
> better one. What works well with Linux?

The one I got my sister a while back is a cheapo model from Wally World.
It's about 5x2x1 cm. It pulls apart into two sections -- an L-shaped bit
that holds a single AAA, and a 2 GB USB flash drive (with LCD bit).

> I want to power it on the road from the bike's battery on long rides. Is that
> doable? Can't play the one I have when it is hooked up and it dies
> immediately when unplugged.

Can't do that, but the battery lasts for days and days, you can use a
rechargable (probably, but she doesn't have any) and AAAs are cheap and

-eben   QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
          They that can give up essential liberty to
           obtain a little temporary safety deserve
          neither liberty nor safety. -- Ben Franklin
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