Re: [SLUG-POL] The lunatic state of california

From: Smitty (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 21:45:17 EDT

On Thursday 14 June 2001 21:24, you wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 07:01:18PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> > Yes. Being psychotic seems to be the highest virtue there. My own
> > observations on their mentality is that if you point out to many of them
> > the dire situations around them and that they should handle them, you
> > become a target for persecution and alienation. Their attitudes could be
> > summed up as: "Going down the tubes is the right thing to do and you stay
> > out of our way."
> > Smitty
> Have you even *been* to California? I live there now. You're
> describing a very small percentage of the population, AGAIN, and branding
> everyone.
> California has always been at _least_ 20 years ahead of the rest of the
> country. In 20 years, you'll be complaining again.

Yes, Isaiah, I have been to california, corresponded with folks out there,
done business with folks there, and know political refugees from that rather
degraded state. I think the small percentage are actually decent people like
you. California would not have the plethora of ludicrous, draconian laws if
many more folks who live there effectively fought for their inalienable
If indeed california is at least 20 years ahead of the rest of the country as
you allege, we are headed for a tragic loss of our liberties.
Please read my post on california senator McClintock's speech. This is one
of the most eloquent and insightful political observations I have ever seen.
Best regards,

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