On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:45:17PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> Yes, Isaiah, I have been to california, corresponded with folks out
> there, done business with folks there, and know political refugees from
> that rather degraded state. I think the small percentage are actually
> decent people like you. California would not have the plethora of
> ludicrous, draconian laws if many more folks who live there effectively
> fought for their inalienable rights.
WHAT?! California is one of the few states that won't actually LET you
sign your rights away. For example, non-competion agreements aren't
enforceable here. ;)
> If indeed california is at least 20 years ahead of the rest of the
> country as you allege, we are headed for a tragic loss of our liberties.
> Please read my post on california senator McClintock's speech. This is
> one of the most eloquent and insightful political observations I have
> ever seen.
I usually delete the threads here, actually, they get me steamed. I
figured this one might be worth reading, too, but I can see I was wrong.
Especially your posts, Smitty. ;)
-- - Isaiah
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