Re: [SLUG-POL] The Lunatic state of California

From: Smitty (
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 15:09:27 EDT

On Monday 18 June 2001 14:00, you wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 02:31:25AM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> > You just framed the question! You originally stated that we had to be
> > "perfect" and psychiatry has never, ever produced a "perfect" individual,
> > unless you define perfect as being in a stupor, sedated, or dead. Now
> > you add that it does not hurt to improve your body or mind through
> > gentle, positive means, when that was not even a point of disagreement.
> > There are many ways to do that: Study, clean living in a free and
> > responsible community.
> No . . . YOU said we were perfect when you claimed everyone does not
> need treatments. *I* said it's nature to not be perfect. Reread the
> thread.

Perhaps you have taken too many of your dad's drugs, Isaiah, YOU reread the
thread. I asked you why do we have to be perfect? You're believing your own
psychobabble, now. Lack of perfection does not imply we "need"
psych treatment. That's a non-sequitur conclusion.

> > > Medical schools don't bother with it for two reasons, that I'm
> > > aware of. First, there's no entity driving research with large amounts
> > > of money. The second reason is a byproduct of the first, that being,
> > > there's no hard research that says, "Homoeopathic treatment works this
> > > way because of $foo."
> >
> > Actually in the last decade there has been a number of double blind
> > studies done on homeopathic remedies that proved beyond a doubt there was
> > no "placebo effect", which is in truth, a euphemism for a confidence
> > trick employed by an unscrupulous doctor.
> If you can cite them, I'll ask some contacts at various medical school
> administrations why they were discounted. ;)

Dolisos and BHH have published these findings. You would have to look
into that with them. There is the lead.
> > If the field of psychiatry truly wanted to clean itself up, then why have
> > they not used their lobbyists and pr people to push:
> The field is not a single entity. That's like saying, "Why doesn't
> Linux sue Microsoft?"

O.K. Psychiatry is made up of many entities. So, why haven't these entities
gotten together in the almost two hundred years of their existence to
clean up the field? There is no valid excuse for this. The vast majority
are covertly in agreement with the use of inhumane, brutal "treatments".
The APA is just full of b.s. excuses and lies.
> > 1. Outlawing electric shock treatment in all states and outlawing the
> > manufacture, sale, and possession of devices made for that purpose?
> Here here!
> > 2. actively promoting and using environmental medicine, nutritional
> > medicine, chronic disease screening, and homeopathy?
> Since the patient's treatment is advised on behalf of the physician, I
> think you would see significant upheaval about being FORCED to recommend a
> treatment method.
> > 3. Outlawing brain operations done for the sole purpose of "altering
> > behavior"?
> How do you think that will come into play with prisoners WANTING
> chemical castration?

Give them an icepick and a hammer and tell them shove the pick into their
eye socket, then swish it around.
> > 4. Repealing "civil commitment" laws as they are nothing but legalized
> > police state seizure and incarceration?
> Amen.
> > I will give you my answer: It is because the vast majority really
> > support such practices, even though they SAY they oppose them for public
> > relations reasons. It is one thing to insipidly voice opposition, and
> > entirely another thing to effectively DO something about a situation.
> Right, so why're you still complaining? :) Go DO something about it.
Thank you. I start this week.

> > They have no excuse for not cleaning up their field.
> >
> > Smitty

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