Re: [SLUG-POL] True Story - example of the lunatic state of California

From: Jim Wildman (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 01:54:10 EDT

Making the assumption that the Supreme Court has ruled on the 16th
amendment in the favorable vein...then it IS legitimate by our
Constitution. We can disagree with the interpretation, but it is the
law of the land...or we have no law.

I believe the first income tax was used during the Civil War by the
Republicans who were using the power of the Federal government to
enforce Federal power against the Democrats who believed in states'
rights to set their own property laws (ie, slavery). Interesting
how views change...

Jim Wildman Lead Consultant, divine, Inc
All opinions expressed are mine and not my employer's.

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, Paul M Foster wrote:

> Under existing law, much of what they do is justified. Not all, mind
> you, and they have been _very_ abusive in the past. In some cases,
> probably still are.
> But running around yelling that the 16th amendment is invalid and not
> paying taxes isn't going to keep the IRS at bay. I suspect they're
> right that it's invalid, but I also suspect that, had the federal
> government been more diligent and persuasive at the time, the states
> would have inevitably passed the amendment honestly. But none of this
> matters to the IRS. If you want to follow the anti-16th amendment folks
> and not pay taxes, have at it. We'll write to you in prison. But
> frankly, I don't think this is the way to affect change. Certainly, not
> much has changed since these guys started yelling about it.
> Paul

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