Re: [SLUG-POL] Norb's New Threads (or the Emporer has no clothes)

From: Jim Wildman (
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 01:33:54 EDT

I was growing up on a farm in the 60's adn 70's (therefore I remember
those decades) as the environmental movement got going well. I can
remember my dear old pappy saying

"Ecologists, may they all starve in the dark".

Thought it was going to happen, least on the West Coast for a while.

And to head somethings off, farmers are some of the most ecologically
minded folks around. Goes with not sawing off the branch you are
standing on. Lots of stories about the follies of government man-
dated ecologically friendly farming....

Jim Wildman Lead Consultant, divine, Inc
All opinions expressed are mine and not my employer's.

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