Re: [SLUG-POL] Re: [svlug] PPTP? (fwd)

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 17:26:56 EDT

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 02:09:23PM -0400, Russ Herrold wrote:

> My opinion of Rick Moen has fallen since resubscribing onto
> SVLUG ... He has been watching to much Weakest Link; the SVLUG
> list quality has deteriorated.
> ... Smitty had more recent and accurate informaton than I -- I
> was wrong.

I noticed his treatment of Smitty was a little rough, though Smitty was
pretty childish about the whole thing.

But this brings up another point. This business of calling people names
and running them down seems pretty uncivilized (dang, I sound British,
don't I?). As an example, I thoroughly and completely disagree with Norb
politically. But I can't imagine calling him names because of it. I like
Norb and I respect him, despite our political and philosophical
differences. Why would I want to run him down in front of other people?

I just don't understand sniping at people on a list, even if they're
idiots. We've had some on the list (SLUG list, mostly), and I can't see
where it accomplishes much to snipe at them. Mostly makes you look
arrogant and intolerant.

Obviously, this is a "no rules, just fight" list, so people can do what
they like here. But I just think the gratuitous ad hominems are
unpleasant and unfortunate.


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