[SLUG-POL] Re: [svlug] PPTP? (fwd)

From: R P Herrold (herrold@owlriver.com)
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 14:09:23 EDT

My opinion of Rick Moen has fallen since resubscribing onto
SVLUG ... He has been watching to much Weakest Link; the SVLUG
list quality has deteriorated.

... Smitty had more recent and accurate informaton than I -- I
was wrong.

-- Russ

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 17:33:43 +0000
From: Will Lowe <harpo@thebackrow.net>
To: Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com>
Cc: svlug@svlug.org
Subject: Re: [svlug] PPTP?

(quoting Meon)

> You know, the position of Global Village Idiot has a long waiting list.

Heh. So is the line for Global Village asshole; keep trying. And
given that your suggested Google string was nearly a complete bust,
I'm tempted to ask if your name is ahead of mine on the Global Village
Idiot list, too.

> Out of idle curiosity: Have you stumbled across the LDP's VPN HOWTO,
> yet, or is that going to take you a few more days of research?

Sure. I take it that you haven't stumbled across this yet:

Let's start over here; I concede that my intial query wasn't

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