> Hmm. I thought there was CCW in Ohio. But I see from my Second
> Amendment Club Of Pasco County Newsletter map, that Ohio's got nothing.
> I presume you may carry a weapon, but the rules are very restrictive?
... no -- Presume and Assume are related here -- This way lies
-- In Ohio, CCW is illegal and a felony. Abesnt a plea
negotiation, the person charged has to risk trial, and try to
show 'beyond reasonable doubt' the affirmative defense of a
real imminent threat to safety (carring large sums of cash to
the bank is the common example). A hard burden.
The practical effect is if you are 'connected', or have a good
or 'connected' lawyer, you can sometimes get such a charge
reduced to something like a misdemeanor 'improper transport of
a loaded weapon' charge and forfeit the weapon, or if the cop.
prosecutor, or judge is of a mind, you're screwed.
Strapping it on in plain sight would get you charged with
'inducing panic' or some such.
> Good luck. I have a feeling more than just this last
> election will turn on the 2nd amendment issue in the
> future.
Unfortunately, a federal CCW pre-emption is about the best I
can hope for -- The Ohio governor is a closet liberal, and has
killed it twice before -- his grandfather, Wm. Howard Taft
must be rolling in his grave.
34 states have some form so far, I think ... With John
Ashcroft implementing a 'dial-back' of the extreme Clintonian
executive interpertatons and practices, one may hope -- but it
will take a shift in the Senate in the next elections -- 34
seats -- but more R's than D's -- up
A 'Full Faith and Credit' of foriegn state CCW permits is
probably constitutionally required, but I would not want to
rest just on that in Ohio.
Summary: Sounds a lot like California used to be -- Dianne
Feinstein had a ccw permit and armed guards as mayor of San
Francisco -- the poor schmucks across the bay in Oakland had
swabbo. As I understand it, the shift in California to the
D's when the R's ran their 'know-nothings' anti-immigration
camppaign, has not improved matters, with new restrictions but
no new safety.
-- R
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