Transferred to the politics list...
On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 07:14:17PM -0400, Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
> In light of the acts of terrorism today I must, no I am compelled to do this.
> For all the lives lost today, I pray for them. I also pray for all the
> loved ones left behind. Give strength to all who are there trying to help
> find the wounded and treat them. To those who will feed the helpers, I
> pray. Give them all the strength they need to do the job they must
> do. Gentle hold those who need your touch. All will be in my prayers now
> and throughout this ordeal.
> I apologize if I have offended anyone on this list. Maureen
You know, it's amazing to me that a country whose first European
settlers came here to escape religious persecution, now 350 years later,
has such a climate of religious intolerance that people have to
apologize for offering up public prayers. This certainly was not what
the Framers intended. What an astounding perversion of the Constitution.
And even if you didn't agree with someone's choice of religion, how
could you take offense at their sincere expression of it?
Pretty sad state.
P.S. No, the main SLUG list is normally not the place for religious
expression, but today's events represent extraordinary circumstances.
And religious _bashing_ (including bashing of Islam) would still be
summarily dealt with on that list.
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