I absolutely agree. Californians got what they deserved. The
consumer always pays, whether directly as in higher rates or indirectly
as in higher taxes. The only question is how is the payment to be
distributed across the spectrum of consumers/taxpayers. Evenly (all
pay the increase, no breaks for anyone) or unevenly (rate breaks for
the poor, for hospitals, for whomever has the political clout to get
I always wondered about the legislation which forbid utilities to pass
certain costs onto the consumers.....exactly how did those bills get
paid? Donations??
I do not want wanton pollution, but you have to be more sensible than
"No" to every utility, industry, etc. Particularly if you chose to
live in a desert (which alot of CA is).
Jim Wildman jim@rossberry.com
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, Bryan-TheBS-Smith wrote:
> Jim Wildman wrote:
> > I find the CA power situation instructive as to the working of
> > free markets. Allow the price to go up, demand goes down and supply
> > goes up...viola. Product flows to the most profitable use.
> And my point is that bad, environmentally ignorant regulation on
> California's part put the power industry in its current position
> years ago! You're only talking about the effects of that policy.
> Right now, it is prohibitively expensive to generate power in
> California because of the age old power plants and their lack of
> capacity. So who pays for this government screw up? The power
> company or the consumer?
> >From an economic viewpoint, this is called "facism" -- government
> controlled private industry. Health care has the same problem --
> you are basically forced to get your insurance from your employer,
> who is heavily regulated by government. Let's either go
> "capitalism" or "socialism" and be productive one way or another.
> Right now, we are causing our own problems with this facism
> economy/government we have.
> -- TheBS
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