> Yeah, but you know that will never happen. Pilots,
> maybe. But no
> passengers. After all, that fellow with the .45 and
> the CCW could be the
> next hijacker (yeah, right).
Has anyone discussed - even for pilots -
non-body-piercing weapons (like the airplane body)?
Whether the weapons are non-lethal or not is not a
matter (if you hijack an airplane, you've already
signed your death warrant for all I care). However,
the risk of accidentally destroying the aircraft with
one well placed (misplaced?) bullet is, in my opinion,
just too great a risk. I'm sorry, but one of those
rubber-bullet guns shot at short range to ANY part of
the body is going to put almost anyone out of
commission (that is, ofcourse, if they dont let the
guy with the chainmail on the plane).
~ Good evening, Mr. Gates
. . I'll be your server this evening.
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