On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 05:29:06PM -0700, Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> > Yeah, but you know that will never happen. Pilots,
> > maybe. But no
> > passengers. After all, that fellow with the .45 and
> > the CCW could be the
> > next hijacker (yeah, right).
> Has anyone discussed - even for pilots -
> non-body-piercing weapons (like the airplane body)? Whether the weapons
> are non-lethal or not is not a matter (if you hijack an airplane, you've
> already signed your death warrant for all I care). However, the risk of
> accidentally destroying the aircraft with one well placed (misplaced?)
> bullet is, in my opinion, just too great a risk. I'm sorry, but one of
> those rubber-bullet guns shot at short range to ANY part of the body is
> going to put almost anyone out of commission (that is, ofcourse, if they
> dont let the guy with the chainmail on the plane).
Which is *exactly* why anti-terrorist operations teams use them. ;)
-- - Isaiah
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