I think that possibly a good point has been missed by all. The Taliban,
Bin Ladin, Muslim off shoot is just a group of cowards who are using their
religion as an excuse to commit heinous acts on humanity. If you remember
your history, the Catholic religion did the same thing during the Crusades
and in Medieval days with their witch hunts. All of them used their
religion as their foundation. To group all Catholic's as murderers would
be wrong just as it is wrong today to say that all Muslim's are evil.
As for Hitler and all his followers, right up to the skinheads of today,
they too believed that they were ordained to rule the world and rid it of
the infidels. If you really think about it, the German people were kept
in the dark and fed shit for years. There sons and daughters were taken
from them at extremely young ages and indoctrinated with there lies. This
is the same type of thing going on in the Arabian countries. Their
children are taught to hate anyone that is inferior (in their minds) to
them and their fundamental beliefs.
These cowards were taught to live among us and become invisible, while they
carried out their orders. How many times have we seen a neighbor hood
repeat "well he kept to himself, but he didn't seem like a killer", after
some bastard killed and raped right under their noses. As a child growing
up in Detroit I knew all my neighbors by name. My parents knew them and we
knew immediately when a stranger was around, and that news spread very
fast, we watched out for each other. Even at my grandparents farm,
everyone knew there neighbor no matter how many miles down the road they
were. Can any of you actually say that you have ever actually known most
of their neighbors? Would you know the child molester that lived two
blocks over just be looking at him? Probably not.
Profiling is not perfect. But, it does have a place in our society. They
have gathered (they being the FBI, CIA, etc etc) information on child
molesters, serial killers, murderers, and terrorists over the years. They
have certain things in common. For instances, serial killers usually start
out by torturing small animals and work there way up to humans. That is a
known fact. It is also part of the profile they have for serial
killers. For terrorists, its being taught to hate and do anything, (kill
others, commit suicide while killing others) to preserve their
beliefs. These people are taught this from birth. Just look at our own
society and how they prey on each other. The neo-Nazi's, skin heads, white
supremists. They are all taught the same thing. To hate anything and
anybody that does not fit their belief system. Many innocent people have
been murdered because of it. Can we stop it? Can we form a profile that
would only pinpoint these cowards? Probably not, but it would be pretty
damn close, and for me that's enough.
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