Re: [SLUG-POL] test

From: Jim Lange (
Date: Sun Jun 30 2002 - 03:11:04 EDT

On Sat, 2002-06-29 at 11:10, Jim Wildman wrote:
> Franklin and Jefferson are probably as hard to pin down from 200+
> years away as they were in the flesh!
> I haven't had time to look at the links that Russ and the others sent
> in, but remember that quotes (either way) are easy to take out of
> context. And that people's opinions do change over time. And that
> what was labeled an atheist in one culture/time may be a radical
> fundamentalist in another.
> For instance, in Roman times many considered the early Christians
> (and Jews of course, Mohammedism not being invented/created/started
> yet) atheists because they only believed in ONE god, thereby denying all
> the rest.

Very well put. Although, after searching various websites, I must admit
Russ is probably right. Although Franklin may have made a quote here or
there that may be construed as an atheist remark. He made a lot of
quotes. There do seem to be a lot more religious remarks he made.

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