Re: [SLUG-POL] Censorship

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 07:31:22 EST

Well said Gnorb.
Mike M.
> 1) What the hell do "pseudo-intellectual exsistentialist wimps" have to
> do with any of this? Do you even know what existentialism is, Or are you
> simply trying to include anything you don't like (or don't understand)
> into a sensitive, misunderstood and misinterpreted subject in order to
> sway people by reason of fear and ignorance to your line of thought?
> 2) Islam _DOES_NOT_EQUATE_TO_ Liberalism. I feel the need to point this
> out because lately it seems that whenever I hear conservatives talk
> about this subject, they toss arround the terms seemingly interchangably
> without regard. If some liberals (and note that not all of them are) are
> sympathetic to Islam that's one matter, but to blame muslim outcry over
> something negative being said about their religion on Liberals is a
> complete other matter. That's like blaming Rush Limbaugh for right-wing
> extremist militias, simply because Rush advocates guns and self defense.
> Now, if you're getting into the issue of "Well, it's PC for us to be
> nice to Islam," then you're dealing with another issue altogether:
> Political Correctness. If that's the Liberal's fault, then fine, pin
> them on that, but don't mix things in a pot which have no place being
> together.
> PS.
> I Hate those damn "We've done all the thinking for you, now here's how
> you should vote - no thinking involved" things. I hate it when
> Conservatives and whatever-the-hell-you-liberatarians-think-you-are do
> it, and I hate it when Liberals do it. Damn it, if people don't know
> enough about the issues they're voting about to make their own
> decissions, then perhaps they shouldn't be voting in te first place.
> What's next? "Well, we've decided that you'll do what we suggest
> anyways, so how about you let us vote FOR YOU?" It's never a good thing
> when the pendelum swings too far in any one direction.
> Regardless of whether you're Socialist or Liberatarian, Green or Natual
> Law, Republicrat or Demoblican, if you care about what goes on arround
> you, YOU SHOULD VOTE. The propaganda was very nice, yes, now go away and
> play your "the government's out to get me" games.
> Gnorb

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