On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 06:53:04PM -0400, John Pedersen wrote:
I give up, too....
> Time is better spent breaking and fixing Linux boxes, isn't it? I
> have shifted all my learning over to the Debian side. There are lots
> of good things, but that apt-get can get very hairy when you're mixing
> unstables and testing! I bought a copy of Libranet a few months ago,
> and now I'm a Debian fan!
Well there's your problem. Mixing unstable and testing is only for those
living on the farthest point of the bleeding edge. It's such a hassle
that I prefer sticking with testing and using dselect. No matter what
anyone says about dselect, I recommend it.
With Debian, you never have to worry about Red Hat's or SuSE's next
stockholder-driven decision. My only beef with Debian is that they take
the "free software" idea too far. Most recently, they decided that the
RFCs couldn't be included in Debian proper because the RFC license
violated the Debian Free Software Guidelines. Never mind that RFCs are
text files, not software. Argh. But I run the distro on all but one of
my boxes.
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