On Mar 10, 2005, at 10:00 PM, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> Korean != Japanese. Don't make that mistake. ;->
Perhaps, but the fact remains that the U.S. is generally getting their
butts kicked by other countries when it comes to quality of goods.
> Depends on what car. My 70% American assembled Mazda B2300 (with a
> Ford
> VIN number no less, because it's a Ranger with a different front design
> is a mis-mesh of countless Western, Far Eastern and other parts.
I had for some time a 1991 Ford Probe, that was essentially a Mazda car
(I can never remember if it was the MX-6 or RX-7 that it essentially
identical to) with a Ford nameplate (it had a Mazda VIN).
> To get back to IT, people think India is the place to go. Not!
> It's Ireland, Israel and a few others. India has gotten to be too
> expensive for too little value for outsourcing.
Gartner just released a report last week that suggests that it actually
now costs companies MORE to outsource than it does to keep the same
functions in-house.
> But what do you want to do, have the government be a safety net?
> That just removes choice and, worse yet, penalizes those who _do_ take
> care of themselves.
What then do you do with those who can't because they've been forced to
live paycheck-to-paycheck throughout their careers, and then retirement
comes and they have nothing as a result? That is a very real situation
happening TODAY.
> Especially as the Baby Boomers retire, Gen-X won't be able to take it.
> I plan on taking care of both of my Baby Boomer parents, as a son
> should.
You are rare. It's becoming more and more typical that children are
NOT subsidizing (for lack of a better term) their retired or aging
parents anymore. They get farmed off to nursing homes more often than
naught and then forgotten. We are probably the last generation that
would even consider caring for own parents.
Steven W. Buehler | steven@sanctuaryweb.org/swbuehler@yahoo.com
Web Page: http://www.sanctuaryweb.org | http://renaitre.iuma.com
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