On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 23:30 -0500, Steven Buehler wrote:
> Perhaps, but the fact remains that the U.S. is generally getting their
> butts kicked by other countries when it comes to quality of goods.
I'd really beg to differ there! Especially from China!
Anyone who doesn't respect and license IP typically ends up copying an
incomplete design.
Don't confuse "cheap for value" with "lasts."
Most Americans are willing to buy products that last much shorter
periods of time nowdays, if it is cheaper in initial cost.
> Gartner just released a report last week that suggests that it actually
> now costs companies MORE to outsource than it does to keep the same
> functions in-house.
Again, the closer you get to the customer, the more it costs you to go
away from your locale. People have oversold outsourcing on its savings.
If I'm writing code that is nowhere near the customer or any locale-
specific calculations, then it probably can be outsourced with some
savings. But if I get anywhere near the customer interaction or need to
be familiar with locale issues, then it'll typically cost you more.
> What then do you do with those who can't because they've been forced to
> live paycheck-to-paycheck throughout their careers, and then retirement
> comes and they have nothing as a result? That is a very real situation
> happening TODAY.
The government isn't a safety net. We can't afford it.
> You are rare. It's becoming more and more typical that children are
> NOT subsidizing (for lack of a better term) their retired or aging
> parents anymore. They get farmed off to nursing homes more often than
> naught and then forgotten. We are probably the last generation that
> would even consider caring for own parents.
I don't want the government providing solutions for me, because that
takes away choice.
I'm still trying to prove to the government that I can get my healthcare
cheaper on my own than from my employer and ... guess what? If I don't
get my healthcare from my employer, I don't have to worry about stupid
employer-only issues like pre-existing conditions that are only an issue
if you change employers and you get your healthcare from your employer.
But no, the government wants to penalize me for not getting my
healthcare from my employer. We don't have privatized healthcare, we
have facist (government-mandated/controlled) healthcare.
-- Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith@ieee.org ---------------------------------------------------------------- Community software is all about choice, choice of technology. Unfortunately, too many Linux advocates port over the so-called "choice" from the commercial software world, brand name marketing. The result is false assumptions, failure to focus on the real technical similarities, but loyalty to blind vendor alignments.
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