[SLUG] nVidia stability

From: Travis Walls (twalls@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 17:46:39 EDT

Hey guys,

I am ok at hardware but I am still new to "new school" stuff... isn't an AGP
slot a PCI slot with special access to cpu bus and memory? and isn't any
thing on the cpu bus going to be inherently unstable in the first place. I
guess my point is, I have used a PCI TNT in my system and an AGP4X TNT2 in
the same system and noticed very little difference in performance. When you
guys mention "disabling AGP" in the nvidia drivers you're simply making it a
PCI card with no special access and thus it must compete with other devices
on the main PCI bus that don't do bus mastering right? I guess all I want to
know is, could someone with some tweaking experience help me with getting my
tnt2 more stable. It makes me sick to clear out all my windows programs in
the interest of stability and security only to have crashes in 3D progs in


BTW I have the VIA 686A chipset and am using Mandrake 8

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