On Saturday 09 June 2001 07:35 pm, you wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 01:11:12PM -0400, Anita wrote:
> <snip>
> > As a personal aside (and this is said not to start a religious war) I am
> > boycotting and refusing to see or purchase any movies with anyone in
> > them that is connected with the Church of Scientology. No Travolta,
> > Cruise, Kirstie Alley or Jenna Elfman or even Lisa Kudrow. And I will
> > not purchase anything that has to do with Elvis. I'm not going to be
> > willingly responsible for putting money in that "church's" pockets.
> >
> > Just my opinion. If you want to know the reasons, email me off list.
> > I'll be happy to tell you about it.
> >
> > Anita
> > PS. That includes Earthlink, which was founded by a member.
> I'll say this one more time, and then I'll start un_subbing people.
> I'll not have religious, sexual, political or racial trashing or
> denigration on this list. I don't care what religion, what sex, what
> political party or what race. If this is not clear, see the list charter
> at http://www.suncoastlug.org/lists.html
before u unsubscribe some of us remember that these
famous people have been mind controlled by an organization
that in their scriptures (written by l ron huubard) allows
anyone to kill or hurt or sue or ruin anyone else as long
as it is for the benefit of the church.
> Now before I hear whining about "censorship", remember that the SLUG
> Politics list is open to anyone who wants to bash anyone in any way.
> As Smitty pointed out, it's "No rules, just fight!" Sub_scrip_tion
> instructions are on the page cited above.
> Please heed this advice. It pains me to have to un_sub people for this
> kind of thing.
> Paul M. Foster
> President
> Suncoast Linux Users Group (SLUG)
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