Hi folks !
Last night I finished rebuilding a pentium box that
I am planning to use with networking experiments and
some developement testing. After finishing the
spaghetti wires that were in there and finally
knitting them together to a working system :) I
installed the Mandrake 7.1 disk I got from one of the
meetings. Here is what I expreienced.
First.. I use RedHat for my main box. so I am more
or less used to seeing that install so everything
after this is relative to that experience.
The Install was relatively painless. The
Partitioning section was AWESOME ! I loved that !
I also had selected at first the "NORMAL" install
which was just the desktop version. You have the
choice of Server, Normal, or Developement. All of
that was great. I also found that when I went back
through to upgrade and install some other packages
that I wanted to have, using their package management
system was a ROYAL PAIN ! Didnt like that at all when
compared to RedHat. I also installed the KDE desktop
instead of the GNOME I usually use.
While searching through the packages I was delighted
to see the K- Packages for video.. a nice selection !
I saw a package called XMOVIE.. It looked nice but was
not sure about playing DVD's with that.. Has anyone
else had experience with that program ???
On the whole, It was not a bad install and if it
was more than the demo disk and I had the other 2
disks from the install ( and a bigger hard drive to
play with), I am sure that it would be fine. I will
let you know more after I get the box on my home
network and blow it up a few times.. ( read that " I
will be writing in with more problems after the next
snafu :)").
THanks !
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