On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Jason Pratt wrote:
> Ok thoughts on Netscape 6. Is it worth an install or should I just stick with
> Konquerer and Mozilla. Are there any advantages to the new Netscape over the
> other 2?
A view from the hard core ...
Source for Netscape is not and the owner has not said that it
ever _will_ be freely available for Netscape under any Open
Source Initiative license; It does not matter WHAT Netscape
does if there is no freedom under an O S License; ...
If you refuse to break an addiction to proprietary, closed
source software, why should the vendor stop feeding you sweet
poison? If they opened their source, they'd have a howl from
privacy advocates to stop selling your clicktrail privacy to
fund their business.
Konquerer is delightful and at least as stable as Netscape
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