>From the Corel-Linux-Wordperfect Offic 2000 site it sure sounds as though
their "version" of Wine may be the most robust ... and it may be downloaded
Will now have to figure out where the $$ will come from to buy a copy of
Wordperfect Office 2000! Anyone "need" a few fully legal Win95 CD's
with certificates ... only $20. each ... didn't think so. Sigh.
> Of course I don't really know, but I would guess that there are probably
> more hours being spent on Wine than on either VMWare or Win4Lin because it
> is a popular open source project.
> If you want to try Wine, I would say that for the RPM crowd, the best way
> to start is to go to
> http://www.codeweavers.com and get their packaged version.
> For debian, look at http://www.winehq.com and set your apt sources to what
> is listed on the wine download page.
> VMWare and Win4Lin run more aps because they are running Windows on your
> machine.
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