Would be nice to see weekend shows if it were possible, weekday shows
are impossible to get to :-(
> Original Message from Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:07:01 -0400:>
> If anyone is interested in working and helping out in what is
> already quickly coming together CTS show in October on the 17th and
> please contact myself savatage@mindspring.com , Diana
> let us know.
> We will need help with setting up , handing out stuff , q and a
from the
> crowd ,
> relief watch , maybe making a few short runs for food and drinks
> loading out , giving updates on the events , watching the
> Demos., making announcements about the show ., basically same stuff.
> Also will need some one to help make the schedules for the speakers
> Make sure that they have everything they need , make sure that the
> has power , and Internet yes they have broad band I believe both
DSL, and
> Road Runner.
> Also a few people to form a contact group to get the speakers and
people to
> demo.
> I will make a chart of what we need to organize this better in the
next few
> weeks.
> I will also put up a current status page on my WebPages.
> That is all more to come shortly.
> Thanks
> Bill Preece
> Once more thanks to everyone's help to make the show a huge success.
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