If anyone is interested in working and helping out in what is
already quickly coming together CTS show in October on the 17th and 18th
please contact myself savatage@mindspring.com , Diana dazie@mindspring.com
let us know.
We will need help with setting up , handing out stuff , q and a from the
crowd ,
relief watch , maybe making a few short runs for food and drinks etc.,
loading out , giving updates on the events , watching the equipment.,
Demos., making announcements about the show ., basically same stuff.
Also will need some one to help make the schedules for the speakers
Make sure that they have everything they need , make sure that the booth
has power , and Internet yes they have broad band I believe both DSL, and
Road Runner.
Also a few people to form a contact group to get the speakers and people to
I will make a chart of what we need to organize this better in the next few
I will also put up a current status page on my WebPages.
That is all more to come shortly.
Bill Preece
Once more thanks to everyone's help to make the show a huge success.
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