Jason Pratt wrote:
> On Saturday 23 June 2001 22:07, you wrote:
> > On Friday 22 June 2001 03:05 am, you wrote:
> > > This is strange... mine come through correctly.
> > >
> I'm not sure if it's exactly RR because my second SLUG account and my second
> RR email acount have worked fine. I have not recieved any of my previous
> emails save for the one that I received again on Thursday. But I haven't
> received it again since then.
> Just my .02. :)
> --
> Jason Pratt
> linuxmad@tampabay.rr.com
I guess I'm a little confused. If it was RR's problem, wouldn't my other
email be affected also? Why is it only the SLUG list? I'm on about 4
different email lists. It would seem to me that those would be affected
as well, and I would be awash in multiple messaging.
Or is it possible some Microsofties snuck into the list and hacked it???
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