Ed Centanni wrote:
> I think they were poisoned when they ate SCO -- at the least they got a bad
> case of worms and are starting to act goofy.
Makes me think of the Small Evil Glowing Basketball Thingie from the
Heavy Metal movie, or the Honking Big Evil Glowing Basketball Thingie
from The Fifth Element...
I wonder if Ransom Love gets 10W/30 chocolate syrup stuff dripping down
his forehead when he thinks of per-seat licensing for a Linux distro.
(Or better yet, if Caldera is chocked with scantily-clad fantasy warrior
babes who ride to work on big duck monster whatsits...)
> On Monday 25 June 2001 19:49, you wrote:
> > Well, here's a little fun news item. It seems Caldera doesn't want you
> > to make random copies of their distro any more. One computer, one copy
> > of the software. The link is:
> >
> > http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2001-06-25-006-20-PS
> >
> > This is an awful lot like Microsoft/Sun/IBM/*nix. I wonder what would
> > happen if all the LUGs stopped promoting Caldera? Unfortunately, I'm not
> > sure Ransom Love would even care; he had to realize this would cause a
> > problem.
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