Re: [SLUG] Question for you slug musicians

From: Norbert Omar Cartagena (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 17:34:54 EDT

John Grealish wrote:
> Is there a Linux application comparable to, or better, than CakeWalk or Voyetra's Digital Orchestrator? I need something other than this Winblows set up which too often likes to display its BSD at critical points in my artistic quests. If these two programs are unfamiliar to you, they allow both recording and editing of MIDI and digital audio.
> Thanks,
> John Grealish

Ahhh, yes. This is most certainly all too familiar (the very reason that
I first tried Linux was due to the BSOD that would work hard towards
stiffling my work (my situation was with Finale, however). In short, I'm
sorry to report that no, you will NOT get something the quality of
Cakewalk on Linux (I don't know about the other program). The closest
thing is Brahms, from what I've seen. Cakewalk kept saying for a while
that they had a Linux version on the way, but I have yet to see anything
manifest. Maybe it died with the Stock Market *L* At any rate, though
there is some OK music software out there for the platform, this is one
area in which Linux still has not made much headway.

Do you program? GTK? C++? *L*


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