Re: [SLUG] NPR Verizon DSL

From: R.G. Mayhue (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 19:14:05 EDT

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 06:50 pm, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Anyone in New Port Richey having trouble with their Verizon DSL
> going down every time it storms (or gets close to it)?
> I wouldn't mind it so much, but when it happens, I have to reset my
> firewall machine. That's just not a Linux(tm) thing to do. It's
> running RH 6.2, using pump, and no matter what I do, the only way
> to make it "lock" back into the DSL is to reset the box.
> Any ideas?
> Paul

I haven't been having any problems with mine Paul. I mean the power
goes out every now and then but the DSL connection seems to be OK.
The last time it went out was last week for about 20 min. during a

OK, I gotta come clean. Maybe its because I keep the DSL modem
plugged into my UPS ;-) Weather (no pun intended) that has anything
to do with it or not??

By the way I just use straight DHCP and I don't have any problems at
all with the connection coming up.

POOF!! ahhh.....another dud!!

Happy Fourth everybody!

R.G. Mayhue

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