Re: [SLUG] cp, mv, and files that are too big.

From: Smitty (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 20:11:09 EDT

Senhor Omar,
> Well, as I said before, the file is a backup of a bunch of stuff I had
> on my system, namely a bunch of 1/2 and 1 hour radio shows from the 30's
> 40's and 50's, as well as books on tape (namely lots of stuff by Carl
> Sagan). See, napster is not ONLY used to share music. It's about 2.5
> gigs of stuff. The rest is a bunch of little files, like work and
> nintendo-emulated games, config files, pictures... At any rate, it's a
> really big fat .tgz file.
> How do I check what kernel I'm using? Maybe I accidentally loaded a
> 2.2.x? I thought that was the kernel with the 2gig file limit.

input uname -a

> Where can I get this file splitting utility?

input man split
(what's uname? I gotta split man!)

> NOrb
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