I read about the KIllustrator thing on Slashdot a day or two ago.. but
this article claims that Adobe is going after other big names.. Harvard
Graphics, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP... but.. it doesn't have any sources..
other than the KIllustrator one..This seems like a rather bad move by
Adobe, if it's true. to go after competing products..
On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Mike Manchester wrote:
> Check out this artical. It appears the new American way is to strongarm everybuddy that
> comes up with something that competes with your products. I guess Ford should have a law
> suite againest GM as I might see a GM broke down along the road and think it's a Ford.
> OH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> http://segfault.org/story.phtml?mode=2&id=3b43315f-040db3e0
> This maybe something for the politics list, but since it effects the KDE's kIllustrator,
> GIMP and other graphic programs. I thought it should be posted on this list.
> Mike M.
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