Re: [SLUG] More Firewall Fun

From: Brian Coyle (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 23:48:30 EDT

Russell Hires wrote:
> I've got some questions...
> I guess this is to Derrick, but anyone else feel free to chime in...
> First, what were the services you disabled? The HOWTOs say time and
> discard and a few others are internal services. What do they do?

Disable EVERYTHING you're not using. If you don't know what it is,
you're probably not using it. ;)

That said, here's what `man inetd` says:

  Inetd provides several ``trivial'' services internally by use of
  within itself. These services are ``echo'', ``discard'', ``chargen''
  (character generator), ``daytime'' (human readable time), and ``time''
  (machine readable time, in the form of the number of seconds since
  night, January 1, 1900). All of these services are tcp based. For
  tails of these services, consult the appropriate RFC from the Network
  formation Center.

> Second, what software did you use to scan the other machine that you
> pointed out that didn't have some of those services disabled?

nmap ( ) and nessus ( are two
of the most popular scanning tools.

> Third, where do you keep the ipchains script? For me, it seems that Debian
> has got some default rules and thus a default script, but I don't exactly
> know where to find it...

Not exactly sure of the file name for Debian, but try

        $ grep ipchains /etc/init.d/*

> well, I guess I don't need to know to edit it,
> because there is a utility called, aptly, "ipchains," so I should just be
> able to type (from the command line) "ipchains -A <chain>", at least
> according to the man page...

Yeah, but if you add the chains manually, they'll be gone after a

'If everyone climbs Mt. Everest because it's hard to do, why do they
go up the easy side?' -- George Carlin

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