On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Russell Hires wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I know we just had a major firewall discussion, but I'm just late, I guess...
> ;-)
> I remember at the CTS Derrick was chock full of info on the firewall he had
> set up. So, I've been reading the Firewall HOWTO and the Ipchains HOWTO, and
> I've got some questions...
> I guess this is to Derrick, but anyone else feel free to chime in...
> First, what were the services you disabled? The HOWTOs say time and discard
> and a few others are internal services. What do they do?
A general rule is disable ALL services except for the ones you want to
use.. any service that is running is a potential hole so keep as few holes
as possible
> Second, what software did you use to scan the other machine that you pointed
> out that didn't have some of those services disabled?
I don't know what he used.. but nmap is a great utility. www.insecure.org
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