Re: [SLUG] college

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 10:17:12 EDT

> Good Day,=20
> I am on my last leg of high school, in less than 6 months I have to =
> decide upon which colleges to apply to and I would like to request some =
> help from you SLUGs. For computer science and/or electrical engineering =
> what are the schools, internationally or within the US, that I stand to =
> learn the most from, while at the same time earning the greatest respect =
> from employers. I hope to go into the CPU designing field and earn at =
> least a Masters degree. Also, any tips on things that I can do right now =
> in order to appear more appealing to these colleges, I already posses =
> multiple certifications, perfect grades, and plenty of extra circular =
> activities. but are there any secrets any of you might be willing to =
> share with me?=20

Stanford University is right in the heart of Silicon Valley, has a lot
of really smart, really cool people working/going to school there, is
the birthplace of MANY of the industry's biggest players (Sun, Cisco,
Yahoo, to name just a couple), has a beautiful campus and is in a REALLY
nice part of the country.

If I were offered full scholarship to either MIT or Stanford, it would
be a really tough choice, and I'd probably pick Stanford mostly because
of the location. (I don't care much for Boston but I love California.)
MIT probably has a better pure R&D reputation, but if you want to get
right to work after school, Stanford seems to be a mainline directly
into the Valley's economy.

But watch out for those extra-circular activities if you're going into
the computing field. That could get you into trouble... :)

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