Re: [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meeting Announcement

From: Glen (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 12:59:13 EDT

We really need to get a SLUG video camera to record this stuff. I had to miss
Paul's pres. on procmail, and all but 1 of the presentations involving the
whole of the SLUG group since I did one last summer.

Anybody have any ideas about how we'd do this without a lot of money? I'm
nearly broke so I can't really get a camera and donate it and wouldn't expect
anyone else to do that either. I might be able to help with a meager monetary
donation, though.

Maybe we could sell the tapes (or avi/mpegs burned on CD) for a modest fee to
help pay for a camera?


> !!!*** Derek Glidden: presentation on ipchains/iptables and
> setting up a little home firewall for DSL or cable,

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