Re: [SLUG] Suncoast LUG Meeting Announcement

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 18:08:29 EDT

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 12:59:13PM -0400, Glen wrote:

> We really need to get a SLUG video camera to record this stuff. I had to miss
> Paul's pres. on procmail, and all but 1 of the presentations involving the
> whole of the SLUG group since I did one last summer.
> Anybody have any ideas about how we'd do this without a lot of money? I'm
> nearly broke so I can't really get a camera and donate it and wouldn't expect
> anyone else to do that either. I might be able to help with a meager monetary
> donation, though.
> Maybe we could sell the tapes (or avi/mpegs burned on CD) for a modest fee to
> help pay for a camera?

Umm, if people _really_ want to do this, okay. But here's the problem:
every time the group obtains a piece of equipment, someone's gotta
store it, care for it, bring it, set it up, take it home, etc. Right
now, I've got a half-built SLUG machine in my garage. Ed's got an LCD
panel, Tom's got a UPS or two. We don't all make it to all the
meetings, so if the equipment is needed, it can be a real hassle.

I sympathize with people who can't make it for presentations. Part of
my handling for that was to put the gist of the presentation up on the
FAQ page of the SLUG site. Matter of fact, the FAQ is more in depth
(fewer jokes, though) than the presentation I did.

We have had a couple of members tape presentations. John Tafel and
Ronan Heffernan taped Ralph Cooley's presentation, and John taped
Maddog's keynote. I have tapes with both those on them. Quality is not
good, and Maddog's cuts off near the end. But I plan to give one of
those tapes to Bill Preece for the Brandon meetings. If NPR or Dunedin
want to view these, we only have to arrange for TVs/VCRs and such.

So my suggestions are: 1) If you're giving a presentation, try to do
some sort of a write-up that can be posted. 2) Get someone to volunteer
to tape these things and we can watch the tapes later.

We can get video equipment if you like; the above are just my thoughts
on the matter.


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