Point taken, I didn't think about this part. The equipment would have to be
in the care of someone who can make *all* of the presentation meetings, which
almost defeats the purpose. Those of us who would have the real motivation to
do it are the ones who can't bring the equipment. Catch-22. Maybe I'll just
cry instead.
> Umm, if people _really_ want to do this, okay. But here's the problem:
> every time the group obtains a piece of equipment, someone's gotta
> store it, care for it, bring it, set it up, take it home, etc. Right
> now, I've got a half-built SLUG machine in my garage. Ed's got an LCD
> panel, Tom's got a UPS or two. We don't all make it to all the
> meetings, so if the equipment is needed, it can be a real hassle.
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