Re: [SLUG] Red Hat 6.2 problem

From: Gypsy (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 21:06:15 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> Assuming you successfully rebooted after the install and before this
> problem started, and assuming you truly didn't make any changes to the
> configuration, this sounds like a hardware problem. Is the boot disk
> you're talking about a floppy or the hard drive? Can you give more
> symptoms?
> Paul

Sorry, I meant to post more details but was interrupted. I have a
generic motherboard with SIS 530 super7 chipset with onboard AGP
graphics and sound. A Maxtor 8gig hd with one 6.5gig vfat32 partition,
one 1.4gig linux partition, and one .1gig swap partition. I also have a
second 1.2gig hd with one vfat32 partition that is used for storing
files. The Maxtor hd has 1027 cylinders and I've made sure the boot and
root partitions are below 1024. I have installed Red Hat 6.2 to dual
boot with Win98 and use LILO. I also have a US Robotics ISA 56K fax
modem, a D-Link DFE-530 TX PCI ethernet card, and 192 MB RAM.

When I first installed linux I was able to boot to either OS with no
problems. I have made no changes to the configuration of the machine,
Windows, or linux. I was able to find something on Red Hat's web site
that allows me to boot from the installation CD but when I do that I
can't load any modules. By typing "linux single root=/dev/hda2 initrd="
I'm able to access my files on the linux partition with no problem but
can't load the modules for my sound, modem, or NIC.

Please let me know if you need anymore information. I have tried every
solution I could find but nothing has worked.



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