Re: [SLUG] DocBook and LyX

From: Robert Haeckl (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 00:09:43 EDT

I don't use either tool but came across this in a quick search:

A description on the page says:
"This document presents how to write DocBook documents with LyX. The
main aspects covered here are about the tools involved and their
interaction with LyX. By default it is the SGML DocBook format that is
supported by LyX, but the XML format can also be used. A small part
deals with the XML aspects."


Norbert Omar Cartagena wrote:
> Unfortunatelly it's not just SGML. I need a simple format to transport
> documentation which can give me everything from DocBook SGML (Book,
> artice, chapter...) and DocBook XML to HTML, PDF, et al. Given that LyX
> works, it would be the best solution (this is for a job). Been to
>, been to Oasis, been to, and been through the
> countess sgml2[enter-extention-here] tools, as well as
> docbook2[enter-extention-here] and sgml-tools and sgmltools-lite. Seen
> the LDP How-to, seen the Howto-Howto, and I've actually been working on
> this problem with an active developer of the LyX project who apparently
> has a working setup - no deal. Just thought that maybe someone might
> have a working setup that I could "copy".
> P.S.
> Seen the other tools, too. But I need LyX. :(
> Norb
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