[SLUG] Microsoft backtracks NOT

From: H Sutter (sutter_h@popmail.firn.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 15:49:18 EDT

Travis Walls wrote:
> Heres how i feel about the whole thing. I grew up on Microsoft. Maybe in
> another life, I'll be fortunate enough to have parents who use UNIX and not
> MS-DOS. So anywho, I feel more _comfortable_ with microsoft software, and it
> makes sense too. 10 years with MS vs. 4 yrs with linux on and off. MS has
> indeed gotten to the point where no one wants to upgrade. either they are
> happy with the current software or they suffered from a previous upgrade and
> never want to do it again. but once one has an os installed its gonna take
> alot for them to throw it all away and start fresh. Linux is nice, but not
> perfect. I can ignore the bugs like broken fonts and occasionally<snip>

I buy my cars I don't lease them. When I put my cash on the counter at
Ford, GM, Toyota :et al: it is none of their business if I put fake fur
seat covers or paint the thing pink. I expect from the manufactures a
safe reliable product within reasonable human limitations that will
operate as advertised.If I operate it with end the guidelines of the
specs. I also expect notice and replacement from the manufacture if the
unit has a fault or develops a defect apart form normal wear and tear
during the limits of it's warrantee. It is my choice if I want to drive
a '71 Vega or a '01 Corvette not GM's and if I am ok with my '71 Vega GM
does not have the right to force me to buy a new car.

M$ is advertising for you to BUY XP, not lease it, not rent it. M$ in
their EULA takes Zero responsibility to you for it product for it's
safety or it's operation. XP report back to Redmond anything you do to
your system. XP add patches, updates and so called "features" without
your knowledge or consent. And if it lunches your system or crashes your
business Mr. Bills response has been and will be "Tough S#it".

Shields Up :^)



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